# Please only use postgresql bound to a TCP port. # Only postgresql is supportable for metasploit-framework # these days. (No SQLite, no MySQL). # # To set up a metasploit database, follow the directions hosted at: # http://r-7.co/MSF-DEV#set-up-postgresql development:&pgsql adapter:postgresql database:metasploit_framework_development username:msf5 password:msf5 host:localhost port:5432 pool:5 timeout:5
# You will often want to seperate your databases between dev # mode and prod mode. Absent a production db, though, defaulting # to dev is pretty sensible for many developer-users. production:&production <<:*pgsql
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". # Do not set this db to the same as development or production. # # Note also, sqlite3 is totally unsupported by Metasploit now. test: <<:*pgsql database:metasploit_framework_test username:msf5 password:msf5